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SHORTIES / 001 Fashion Week

Lately I've been shooting a lot more video and decided that I'm going to package all this content that I shoot on a day to day basis into a short form series of videos that I am calling SHORTIES.

SHORTIES is short for Short+Stories and though some of them will have themes and some cohesion to them other may just be a montage of various clips shot over a few days. It's still early in the game to say which direction this will take.

Above is a compilation of videos I shot at the Plaza at Lincoln Square right outside the New York Fashion Week tents. Would love your feedback on these, feel free to leave a comment below.

Blog, ShortiesAtif AteeqComment

Screen shot 2013-07-01 at 12.55.32 AM One of the things that I am really bad about is sending people photos that I would take of them day to day or while I'm out. They usually end up a hard drive that I rarely go through. This is one of the problems with capturing content in todays age. We take so many photos/videos and aside for the ones that make their way on to Instagram or in a Facebook album the rest just get buried within  a hard drive amongst the many many gigs of data we have now accumulated.

I use Adobe Lightroom for image management, but unless you invest a significant amount of time meticulously tagging and organizing your files, its really difficult to dig into an archive and pull out a specific image. This is mostly the reason some images are never opened again and just get lost, including photos I would take of my friends.

For this reason I have put together which is basically an (highly) edited version of photos that I take day to day and events that I casually shoot. It's also an answer to a question I most commonly get asked while having a camera in my hand : "Where can I see these photos?"

ITP Comes to an End

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Most of you know that I just completed my masters degree at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). The 4th floor of the Tisch building is truely a magical playground full of people moshing, producing work that pushes the limits of what is possible. I've seen my homies and I do things that I was convinced could not be done. This place has completely broken down my perception of reality and possibility and rebuilt it from the ground up.

Here to a great 2 years. I'm really excited about figuring out the next moves!

Blog, ITPAtif AteeqComment